
[-general information-]
[-party specials-]
[-important notes-]
- Everything is allowed. It can be a classical demo, a wild demo or any other product of your imagination
- There is no filesize limit
- Time limit is 10.00 minutes
- Before each demo, the fileformat, the filesize and the used hardware will be shown.
- The compo machine will be a PII-400Mhz with 192Mb RAM running either Windows98 or WindowsNT. If this doesn't suit you, bring along your equipment. But remember to have either a VGA-output, a cinch or a scart connector to connect ot the beamer [:)]
- We will be able to playback MPG1,MPG2,AVI,MOV and QT3 movies as well as standard PAL videos and DVDs
- The demo must have title, a file_id.diz and an infofile
- One of the demo crew must be present at Bünzli #8
- Note that you may do test runs on the competition machine
- All platforms are allowed (See demo rules for machine info)
- Size limit is 32 KB, not counting protected mode extenders like pmode/w or dos32 which will be installed on the competition system. For win32 programs the filesize consists of all the objects defined in the object table (usually filesize-10kb).
- Time limit is 1.00 minutes
- Only one effect per entry is allowed and will be shown (so intro/extro scrollers etc. will NOT be shown!)
- Sound is allowed
- The effect must have a title, a file_id.diz and an infofile
- The coder must be present at Bünzli #8
- Note that you may do test runs on the competition machine
- Accepted Formats: all formats supported by SEA and Univbe5.3
- No animations are allowed
- The artist must be present at Bünzli #8
- Please note that the pictures will be added to and released in the Bünzli #8 picture package.
- Resolution limit is 800*600 24bits (or 32bits w/o alpha channel)
- File size limit is 256 KB!
- The picture needs to be 'pixel hand-drawn' - *NO* raytrace.
- Scans or anything else are *NOT* allowed!
- You'll need to bring at least three significat steps of the drawing process
- The picture must have a title, a file_id.diz and you have to declare which programs you used to make the picture
- Optional: infofile
- Accepted Formats: all formats supported by SEA and Univbe5.3
- No animations are allowed
- The artist must be present at Bünzli #8
- Please note that the pictures will be added to and released in the Bünzli #8 picture package.
- Resolution limit is 800*600 24bits (or 32bits w/o alpha channel)
- File size limit is 256 KB!
- The picture needs to be 'raytraced'. *NO* 'hand-drawn'-pics.
- Scans or anything else are *NOT* allowed!
- You'll need to bring at least three significat steps of the modeling process
- The picture must have a title, a file_id.diz and you have to declare which programs you used to make the picture
- Optional: infofile
- Size limit is 1024 Kb
- Songs that execeed 4.00 minutes will be faded out after that time
- Formats:
All formats playable by public domain players. (MOD,S3M,XM,IT,BUZ,MP3,etc.... but _NOT_ ReBirth(2) and other players/trackers you payed for)
- The song must have a title and a file_id.diz
- Optional: info file
- The composer must be present at Bünzli #8
There also will be some surprise and game competitions, you'll get informed during the party. Or bring your own ultimate gamemachines for multiplayer compos..
NOTE: We will release EVERY entry declared as a party-version (if not set differently)
(*) : If we get don't get enough entries in these competitions, we allow ourselves to merge these into _one_ competition. |