
[-general information-]
[-party specials-]
[-important notes-]
Onece again our network staff will do the best to provide you with a very stable and reliant network. Thus, we'll be able to provide the following:
·-» dedicated party server(s)
·-» TCP/IP based, web, ftp and DNS services
·-» supported cables will be UTP/STP. BNC is available,but not prefered
·-» some cool switch and hub equipment
The TCP/IP number will be handed over when entering the partyplace. If you feel important enough to have your computer (TCP/IP and name) pre- registered for DNS, drop a mail to gargamel@bigfoot.com .
Since all the equipment is pretty expensive, we need YOUR HELP here: if you've got an hub or switch, please drop a mail to gargamel@bigfoot.com at once and tell him how many ports your hub's got.
Remember to take along a working UTP/STP cable (about 3-10meters long depending on where you're located) and a working network card. We will have a couple of spare ISA cards (about 4-5) and cables (about 10x3m) at the party-place. |